Bobby the Robin to be released tomorrow

June 23, 2012

Well, Bobby the Robin has a new lease on life. I can't believe it, he did great during the operation and is also thriving with one leg. Bobby is hopping all over and is doing so well! It turns out that his leg was not injured, but rather had been born deformed. Now unfettered by his disabled leg, he is stretching his wings and trying to fly inside the crate.

Since Dr. Jason removed his leg, his wings now have full spread and he is trying to fly. He's also grown so much these last few days, I can't believe it. He doesn’t want to take food from the chopsticks anymore; instead, he is pecking up worms and blueberries in his crate and clicks at me whenever I get too close. Tomorrow morning, we are going to take him to the most fertile, wormy piece of farmland we can find. Then, if he can fly, we will set him loose. It's so gratifying to see that you actually can help an animal that needs it, against all odds.

Maybe Bobby won't live a long long life, but he will live a lot longer than if he had died of thirst outside the Kung Fu studio. So I wanted to say thanks to my husband who amputated a robin’s leg and gave the little guy a chance. Between my nurturing and hourly feeds, and his surgery, this little guy is ready to go. Best of luck in the farm fields Bobbie… We will miss your cheerful chirping in the house.

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