Vaccines & Titre Tests

Custom Vaccine Protocols
Every client's lifestyle is different, and every patient is an individual. So why would we have standard vaccine protocols?
In your first consultation with one of our veterinarians, you will discuss you and your best friend's lifestyle and values... they will ask if your cat goes outside, if your dog crosses the US border, if you go hiking in or out of the Okanagan, and so forth. Our goal is to protect your pet against serious viruses, while avoiding vaccinations for the sake of vaccinations.
When they are young, puppies and kittens need exposure to certain viruses, but we try to space out those vaccines as much as possible, and never administer them to a pet in less than optimum health.
As they get older, we recommend testing your cats' and dogs' blood with titre tests, to find out what immunity they have developed. This enables you to know what they are or are not immune to, so you don't unnecessarily routinely vaccinate them.
What is titre testing?
Titre (pronounced tight-er) testing is a medical alternative to routine vaccinations. Testing titres means testing your pet's immunity level to see if they need a vaccine boost, instead of just boosting a vaccination without knowing if they need it or not.
A titre test is a blood test performed in a laboratory that measures the immunity levels to individual viruses. Our veterinarians recommend that every adult dog and cat receives a titre test before deciding to administer vaccine boosters. This approach prevents over-vaccination and unnecessarily stimulating the dog or cat's immune system.
A positive titre test means that the dog or cat has immunity to a virus, and they are less likely to contract or spread the virus.
Vaccine & Titre Test Prices
Pandosy Village Veterinary Hospital offers the following vaccines and titre tests. Note the prices are subject to change, and are in addition to consultation fees.
Canine Combo Vaccine | This injection protects your puppy/dog against Parvovirus, Distemper and Adenovirus. | $40.02 |
Feline Combo Vaccine | This injection protects your kitten/cat against feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus and Panleukopenia. | $36.50 |
Canine Rabies Vaccine | This injection protects your dog against Rabies. | $38.48 |
Feline Rabies Vaccine | This injection protects your cat against Rabies. | $73.68 |
Canine Bordetella Vaccine |
This vaccine can be given orally, or as an injectable (for those dogs that don't want us getting close to their face!) It will help protect your dog against one of the many strains that can cause kennel cough. | $38.22 |
Canine Combo Titre Test |
This blood test measures your dog's immunity to three viruses: Parvovirus, Distemper and Adenovirus. The results specify which of the viruses they have immunity against, and to what level. This test is done in a laboratory at Kansas State University, and the results are returned within 4 - 6 weeks. This test should be done every three years. If your dog does need a booster vaccine, this cost is included in this fee. |
$104 |
Feline Combo Titre Test | This blood test measures your cat's immunity to three viruses: feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia. The results specify which of the viruses they have immunity against, and to what level. This test is done in a laboratory at Kansas State University, and the results are returned within 4 - 6 weeks. This test should be done every three years. If your cat does need a booster vaccine, the cost is included in this fee. | $110 |
Rabies Titre Test | This blood test measures your dog or cat's immunity to the Rabies virus, and to what level. This test is done in a laboratory at Kansas State University, and the results are returned in approximately 4 - 6 weeks. This test should be done every three years. Please note, a Rabies titre test does not meet the requirements for crossing the U.S. border, also this is NOT a FAVN Rabies Titre Test (which may be required for overseas travel.) Please see below for the costs associated with FAVN Rabies Titre Testing. | $116 |
FAVN Rabies Titre Test | This blood test is specifically required for travel overseas to certain foreign countries. If you are planning on doing any overseas travelling with your furry pal - please make sure you are aware of all the travel requirements (blood tests, vaccines, health exams, parasite control etc.) | $270 |
Shipping Fee | All titre tests are shipped to a laboratory at Kansas State University | $63 |
Please call 778-478-7088 or email to book a consultation with one of our veterinarians to discuss titre testing and any other pet health issues.
Titre FAQs
Do titre tests work?
A positive titre test means that your dog or cat has immunity to a virus, and they are less likely to contract or spread the virus. Titre-testing is an established method in both veterinary and human medicine for testing immunity. All of our titre tests are sent out to Kansas State University.
Can my dog or cat go to daycare with no vaccine certificate?
Many Kelowna boarding and daycare facilities for dogs and cats now accept titre tests as proof of immunity against viruses. However, we always recommend that you give them a call first to confirm that they are willing to accept titre testing in lieu of vaccinations.
Pandosy Village Vet
Our integrative vet clinic offers holistic care for cats and dogs, such as vaccinations and titre testing, Western and Traditional Chinese herbal medicine, nutritional consultations, Traditional Chinese acupuncture, and chiropractic care, as well as conventional medicine, ultrasound, radiology and laboratory diagnostics, spay/neuter surgeries and dentistry. We also stock carefully curated, high quality raw and dry food, nutritional supplements, gear and toys. Shop online!
We invite you to peek inside our hospital, get a sense of what we are all about, and give us a call 778-478-7088 to book a consultation for your best furry friend.