Construction for our new clinics home is well underway. The little old house that was on Richter Street came down with a bulldozer today. Basically our clinic will be in the space the little old house occupied. So far things are on track for Spring 2014 opening. Exciting to see our dreams finally coming true!
Okanagan summers mean beaches, boating and often, smokey skies. It can be scary to try and manage the smoke for our family members, including our fur kids - read on for our tips for keeping fur kids safe and how to prepare a "go bag" (see our checklist on the Pet Evacuation Printable Prep List) to be prepared in the event of an evacuation.
As of August 1, 2024, the American Centre for Disease Control (CDC)'s new rules will be in effect, impacting the vaccines, titre testing, and timing of your dog's travel to the USA.
We love offering loads of options - customized recipes and a range of dry, canned, raw, and even freeze-dried, wholesome foods for your fur kids. As a raw-positive clinic, our vets and staff support balanced and wholesome raw feeding with in-depth knowledge and support for pet parents.