Labour Day Weekend: Camping with Pets

August 28, 2014

With a little preparation your dog can enjoy the Labor Day Weekend camping trip as much as you do! Here are some tips for keeping your pet healthy and safe while out in the woods:

  • Bug Prevention: Its always a good idea to be prepared, so make sure your pet is up to date with revolution/advantix. Make sure to check and see which bugs (and the parasites they carry) are most common in the area you plan to camp. 
  • Fresh Water: Make sure to bring large quantities of fresh water on your camping trip, for you and your dog. Not only because it helps prevent illnesses that can be spread through stagnant water sources, but dehydration and heat stroke are serious and can be easily prevented by keeping hydrated.
  • Ample Food Supplies: It's better to have too much of something than too little. The last thing that needs to be a concern on your trip is running out of food for you dog, so make sure you bring more than enough! 
  • Leashes Etc: Your dog will be more comfortable walking on a body harness while out for hikes (or long walks.) If you have troubles with your dog wandering then a nice alternative to being off leash on the campsite is a long tie out cord for your dog to relax on.
  • Identification Tags/Microchips: Take the time to make sure your dog’s information is all up to date before a camping trip, this can help in case the dog goes missing.
  • First Aid Kit: Either pick one up from Pounce & Hound Fine Pet Goods or, make sure you have the essentials with you:
    • Tweezers
    • Gauze
    • Scissors
    • Bandages

Lastly, when the alcohol is being passed around the campsite, make sure none of it accidentally ends up in the dog bowl! Sometimes, you need to know when not to bring your pet with you, they may be more comfortable staying with family or friends.

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