Fall Favorites: Top Hiking Trails To Do With Your Dog

October 13, 2014

Fall means the last chance to hit the hiking trails with your furry friend before the snow hits! So make sure to hit some of these trails when you can and while the weather is still bearable! All these parks are dog friendly, but your dog will need to be leashed while hiking the trails. 


Make sure to pick up the Zip Lead; a trendy but handy retractable leash that is small enough to fit in your pocket! Available at Pounce and Hound Fine Pet Goods.



  • Angel Springs: 4km (one way) moderate hiking trail, best for larger breed, moderate - high energy dogs. It’s best to keep your dog on a leash, and make sure to bring some doggie bags!  Get directions here!

  • Crawford Falls/Canyon Falls Park: 1-2km difficult hiking trail, best for high energy, active and physically fit dogs. This hike is best recommended for strong hikers and pups alike, and make sure to stay away from the steep inclines with your pup pals! Get directions here!

  • Dilworth Mountain: 1-3km easy hiking trail, best for your small breeds, and low energy dogs. This is a quick hike to take when neither of you are feeling up to anything too intense; but it pays off with an amazing view overlooking Kelowna. Get directions here!

  • Knox Mountain: There are a variety of hikes in and around this area, ranging from 1 - 5km, most trails are easy to moderate. Most of these hiking trails are manageable for any dog and human! This area of town is nice, accessible, and always a popular activity for kelow-nians. Get directions here!

  • Kettle Valley Railway Trestles: Moderate hiking trails, best for medium to large breed dogs. A beautiful way to spend a couple hours during the day with your furry friend! Make sure to take some water and a camera to take some great photos! Get directions here!

  • Myra-Bellevue Park: Moderate hiking trails, best for moderately active dogs. A little bit of a drive, but definitely worth it if you have the time! Get directions here!

Just remember to bring lots of water for yourself and your canine companion! It’s also a good idea to bring along a small first aid kit in case of emergencies (for both you and your animal!) You can pop by Pounce and Hound Fine Pet Goods and pick up a few necessary items (collapsable water bowls, pet first aid kits etc.) 


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