5 Essential Pet Travel Trips for Sunseeker & Snowbirds

January 15, 2018

5 Essential Pet Travel Trips for Sunseeker & Snowbirds

Winter in the Okanagan can be cloudy and grey, so it’s no surprise that many of us head south each year with our furry family members in tow. Before you hop on the plane or cross the 49th, don’t forget these five essential steps.

#1 - Will your cat or dog enjoy vacation?

Think seriously if a beach vacation is best for your husky. Sometimes, pets would prefer to be left at home with a sitter or at a boarding facility, due to anxiety, physical comfort or many other reasons. We know a couple of fantastic cat, small dog and big dog hotels, so don’t hesitate to ask for a recommendation if you would like your pet to relax closer to home. By the way, we can send your pet’s vaccine and titre test records directly from our system, so don’t hesitate to contact us if your sitter needs a copy.

#2 - Know what you need to cross borders

We exported pets to over a dozen countries last year, and every country has its own rules and paperwork. If you are crossing to the USA, generally all that’s needed is a rabies certificate, (which we can make sure is up to date, and email you a copy to keep on your phone.) If it’s any other country, however, be sure to look up all required vaccines, titre tests or health checks... and the timing, as some country have strict parameters around when the health verifications need to be done. If you are heading abroad, simply make an “exporting” apoinment with us, bring the paperwork in for your country, and we will ensure that you get everything you need.

#3 - Travel safely with the right gear

Flying south? If your pet fits the weight and size requirements of the airline, it may be able to travel under the seat. Just for the season, we got in a broad colour selection of Sleepypod Air carriers, which are designed to fit under an airline seat and meet all airline requirements.

If your pet is traveling in air cargo instead, be sure they have a large enough hard-sided crate to stand and turn around in, as well as a water tray in the door.

If you are driving south, put your small pet in a seatbeltable carrier like the Sleepypod, or your big dog in a Sleepypod Clickit seatbelt. There is a reason we only carry this brand... they are the only ones that pass crash tests!

#4 - Microchip & ID your pet

Your pet should have two layers of identification... first, a tag that has a current, local phone number accessible when you are traveling. We like the simple ID tags for keys that you can write on, especially if you will be in multiple locations en route.

Secondly, if your cat or dog isn’t microchipped... get it done pre-trip! Simply book a short appointment with us. It only takes a second for us to implant the microchip, and we register them in an online database. Then, any veterinarian or shelter in North America can scan them and know they belong to you.

#5 - Take your pet’s prescriptions with you

Talk to us before you leave if your pet is on any prescriptions. We can make sure you have enough medications or herbs to tide you over for the duration of your travel, and an emailed copy of the prescription in case you need a refill en route. We only ask that you give us a shout a week before your trip (or two weeks before if your pet is on Chinese herbs) so that we can make sure we have everything you need in stock.

Enjoy your sunny travel! 

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