Ack! My dog ate chocolate!

October 31, 2023

Ack! My dog ate chocolate!

Has your dog got into the Halloween candy? Chocolate includes cocoa's theobromine and caffeine, which are processed slowly by dogs and can lead to toxicity. If you notice any chocolate symptoms such as vomiting (often visibly chocolate) diarrhea, tremors, anxiety, agitation, rapid breathing... it's a good idea to pay attention and your dog might even need veterinary care. 

So how much is dangerous? It depends on the size of your dog, and the type of chocolate, as different types of chocolate have more or less cocoa content. Use this easy chocolate tox calculator to see what you should so. Make sure to enter the correct weight of your dog. 

Minimal to No Reaction? Don't worry...

Mild Reaction? Monitor your fur baby and clean up any messes.

Moderate to severe reaction? Call us at Pandosy Village Vet 778-478-7088, (or the emergency hospital if we are closed) for guidance.

Potentially fatal? Rush your fur kid to the emergency hospital for immediate treatment. 

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