Good News: Tully’s Successful Cancer Treatment
Dear friends, clients and neighbours,
We are happy to report that our fur baby Tully is feeling much better this week. For those of you that don’t know, our Irish Wolfhound Tully was diagnosed with bone cancer a couple of weeks ago. It’s a terminal diagnosis, but when we found out, we leapt immediately into action to buy ourselves as much time with him as possible. For those of you that are interested, here’s what we’ve chosen to do to fight Tully’s cancer and enjoy our precious time together.
Cancer-starving diet and Chinese herbs
First, we changed Tully’s regular raw diet to include a ton of shiitake mushrooms, crucifierous veggies and antioxidants. We also changed his carb and protein ratio to starve the cancer of starches... sorry, no more honeydew melon, buddy.
Daddy (aka Dr. Jason) also started Tully immediately on Traditional Chinese cancer suppressing, and bone supporting herbs, to slow down the progression and nourish his soon-to-be zapped bones.
Before the radiation treatment, we also used acupuncture to manage his pain and help him sleep.
RapidArc Radiation Therapy
Then as soon as we could, Arnica drove a reluctant wolfhound back and forth, twice, to the Western Veterinary Specialist and Emergency Centre in Calgary, where Tully received currantive-intent RapidArc radiation therapy. In English, that means we zapped the tumour in this leg to stop its growth. It was difficult on him and on Arnica, since Tully was in and out of anesthesia four times (not to mention all the driving!) but it was 100% worth it.
Just a week after his last treatment, Tully was off his narcotics and walking around with weight on his leg. Amazing. This kind of radiation therapy has approximately the same “time buy” as amputation, and he gets to keep his leg. Amazing.
Now back at home, we have to be very careful with Tully, as his leg bone is exceedly porous and prone to breaking.
This week we started a monthly osteoporosis drug drip for his fragile leg, (you can see him getting the IV drug on the left) as well as chemotherapy to kill any developing measteses in his lungs. He’ll be on chemo for several months, getting treatments every three weeks.
Thankfully Dr. Jason has quite a bit of experience with chemo and can manage all these treatments right in our own hospital.
We have started cooking Tully’s regular raw diet, and are continuing with the Chinese herbs, as they have strong tumour suppressing power.
For now, Tully is pain-free, and simply annoyed that he is not allowed off leash. We’re just happy to see him happy, and are grateful for this beautiful time with our big baby, like at the pumpkin patch last weekend.
We can help your cancer patient too!
We’ve had a lot of questions over the past few weeks from new clients about cancer management, and their pets' options. We are always happy to help, and have lots of holistic and conventional tactics for all different types of cancer. Just give us a shout.
Again, thanks for all your thoughts, prayers and good intentions for our Tully. We know it helps!
Arnica, Dr. Jason and Tully