Stay Mobile with Acupuncture

Many of our clients are familiar with acupuncture in humans... it's a traditional treatment practice with great results for dogs and cats as well.
Dr. Jason Rowan trained in Beijing with the Master acupuncturist Dr. Xie at the Chi Institute for Traditional Chinese Medicine. He became a certificated acupuncturist in the fall of 2018, so this is his fifth year as a DVM and CVA .
Dr. Jason's most remarkable cases are dachshunds with back issues - we've seen many dogs recently paralyzed, regain full mobility with acupuncture treatments. It's also a huge help for surgical recovery, lessening recovery time, modulating pain and contributing to better results. However, there are many other health concerns for which acupuncture is a fantastic option.
If your cat or dog experiences any of these symptoms, they may benefit from acupuncture.
- Pain management for chronic conditions
- Arthritis, joint and mobility issues
- Intervertebral disk disease, or traumatic nerve injury
- Neurological issues such as hind end weakness and seizures
- Respiratory problems, such as feline asthma
- Skin problems such as lick granulomas and allergic dermatitis
- Gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea, indigestion or lack of appetite
Email us to book an acupuncture appointment for your furry companion.
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