Win Pet Biking Gear! Free Breakfast for Bikers!

Springer bike joggers - available exclusively in BC at our Pounce & Hound store!
It's Bike to Work & School Week! Win pet biking gear & get free brekkie at our store's station!
We are huge biking fans here at Pandosy Village Vet! This year we are not only supporting Bike to Work Week with our own participation (more below) but we are also hosting Tuesday's Bike to Work Satellite station!
On Tuesday May 29 7-9am, cruise by on your bike to our Pounce & Hound Fine Pet Goods store. There will be free delectable muffins baked by our neighbour Lakeview Market and free juice for bikers. You can also enter to win one of our fantastic pet biking prizes!
Win Pet Biking Gear Prizes! - we also stock them everyday!
Basil bike baskets - made in Poland - safe and stylish transport for small pets!
Ruffwear sport harnesses - perfect for biking and active adventures!
The Springer dog jogger from Norway is the best in the world - it absorbs the shock from your jogging dog and allows them to run beside your bike, handsfree!
Why we pay our staff to bike to work (all year!)
You might be shocked to hear that we actually pay our staff to bike (or walk or take the bus) to work. It's called our active transportation allowance, and every staff member tracks their own active transportation to access it each month. Why do we pay our staff to bike (or walk or bus) to work?
- Combatting climate change is really important to us (Dr. Jason and Arnica)
- We want to keep our staff are happy and healthy as possible
- Biking takes parking pressure off our busy neighbourhood
We hope you will join us by biking to work or even forming your own Bike to Work Week team! It's a great habit to keep ourselves, our neighbourhood and planet happy and healthy.
Also in Natural Pet Health Blog

Acupuncture for Cats & Dogs
Pandosy Village Veterinary Hospital offers Traditional Chinese acupuncture, as well as Chinese herbal medicine. This ancient Eastern approach to wellness is more relevant than ever and provides many opportunities to solve issues that Western medicine can't. Traditional Chinese medicine gets to the root of the illness, providing long-term benefits without the possible side effects of pharmaceuticals or surgery.

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