Holistic Acupuncture Care for Pet Arthritis
Is your best furry friend feeling the weather? In Part 2 of our holistic care for arthritis series, we learn more about Traditional Chinese acupuncture and how it works for pain relief and inflammation management.
Traditional Chinese Acupuncture with Dr. Jason
Acupuncture is incredibly effective for pain control, one of the chief symptoms of inflammatory arthritis. But how does acupuncture actually work?
With a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, we say that the hair-thin needles Dr. Jason applies channel the flow of QI so that all systems of the body are balanced and nourished.
From a Western perspective, we know that inserting a needle in the right place sets of a chain of positive events in the body, triggering a release of neurotransmitters called endorphins and enkephalins, which reduce the sensation of pain. Research also shows that inserting an acupuncture needle stimulates cortisol, a hormone that helps control inflammation.
However you look at it, acupuncture is incredibly effective for arthritis pain and inflammation management, especially when combined with supportive supplements and food choices.
Food for Arthritis Care - from a Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective
When we assess your pet through a Traditional Chinese Medicine lens, we understand their pattern of disease. This is an important part of the acupuncture planning process, but it also gives us valuable insights to recommend supportive foods. For example, pets that are yang deficient (older creaky pets curled up by the fire,) we recommend hot proteins to warm the joints such as chicken and salmon. For pets with general inflammatory patterns with high energy, we might recommend cooling proteins, such as turkey or white fish. It all depends on the pattern of disease, and the pet's personality.
If you'd like to schedule an initial acupuncture assessment and treatment with Dr. Jason (which includes food recommendations!), please just send us an email, or give us a shout. We are happy to help!